Saturday, September 4, 2010

¡Hace frio!

Well I just got done typing out this nice, long blog post and then Daysi's computer decided to shut off...awesome. Haha so now I'm just gonna type a shorter less imformative one :). So far my Ecuador experience has been all that I hoped it would be, I absolutly love it here! The people are insanly nice, I like their culture better than mine lol. One thing though is it is suprising cold here, like freezing actually lol. I have had to wear long sleaves and a sweat shirt everyday, haha. Daysi and I are becoming best of friends and I love it! And same goes for Nathan, Lauren and Hannah...all our families are treating us as part of the family, for real! I look forward to eating here lol the food is delicious, even though we eat like 5 meals a day. Nathan doesn't agree with me about the food though, but that is only because he has been so lucky as to try all the "native" food hehe, what I eat is normal and really really fresh! I have gotten to go a lot of places already like; the ecuator (which is at a place called Mitad del Mundo), a volcano that I forget the name of, a church monument so high up I got light headed, the mountains and downtown Quito. Each place was incredible! So far it has seemed like a vacation and it's been smooth-sailin', but school starts Wednesday and I know that is going to change everything. I'm excited for school though and eager eager eager to learn as much spanish as possible! Tonight all us U.S. kids and Kique are having dinner with the families of the Ecuador kids in Lancaster right now, so I'm excited for that too :). Mk well I'm going to go hang with Daysi. I miss and love all you guys! Adios.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You got to go to the equator!! That's awesome:). This blog is such a great idea. I'm so glad to be able to keep up with your adventures!
