Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Immigration, mathematics and cuchuchos... oh my!

Hello again! Nathan finally showed me how to create my own entries without bugging him for his password. First a cell-phone, now I'm blogging... who knows, maybe next I'll try SKYPE... wait... I've done that to! This trip has been very educational for me so far:) This morning I spent hours with some of the maestros at the colegio and we discussed scheduling and class placement. The educational system is much different, which makes it complicated, but every day I feel like I'm making progress. Today I picked up the passports from immigration and our next step is to register with the census bureau so each student will receive a cédula. (An international student id). Most of the students have uniforms and things seem to be falling into place. The students took a placement exam today to find out what information they needed to review before tackling their courses. Until today, I never knew how awesome Mr. Garrett was. Numerous times throughout the exam there were requests for his presence. Kellie even saved a seat for him just in case he decided to catch a flight. Thanks Mr. Garrett for all you do with these kids! There hasn't been much down time for any of us. It's been exciting, but also tiring. Sierra started school yesterday and she is about a foot taller than everyone in her class. She has been having a blast playing with dogs, cats, monkeys, cuchuchos, rabbits and any other kind of animal she can find. By the way, a cuchucho is some kind of wild animal with a long striped tail (maybe a lemur). It was running around in the woods when we were at the zoo. When it approached Sierra she bent down to pet it and it rolled over for a belly rub. After that, it followed her the entire time. Oh, and Sierra bought a llama the other day... not a big deal! Have a great day!


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