Thursday, September 2, 2010

1 meal, 2 meals, 3 meals, 4... oh, and dont throw rocks at the crocodile

Ah, another day in ecuador. again you are going to have to forgive me but i cant type very well and still use this spanish keyboard that was sold in canada made from parts manufactured in china... so anyways.. the title of this post says a lot. because you see, since ive been here i have eaten enough food to hold me over until june. dont believe me, well its true. we eat a lot over here. and to explain that statement, two nights ago, or should i say yesterday morning i ate dinner at twelve thirty in the am... ah, the stomach pain, lol. and i have just been informed that we are about to eat dinner. if my memory serves me correct i just ate about 2 hours ago... ayayay... anyways.. so we left quito tuesday afternoon like i said and since then i have seen many amazing things. the mountains are fantastic and until you have seen them you cant quite realize how amazing they are. yesterday we went to the top of some mountain to view a snow tipped volcano, which was pretty cool. today i saw a triple waterfall, oh and i ate some slug like worms... not gonna recommend those to you, they were less than delicious and chewy to say the least. just a few hours ago we swam in some pools of naturally heated water, which felt very good considering it was about 40 degress or less in the mountains. and then we ate which was pretty good actually, but thinking of that makes me realize that i am going to be eating again here soon. well, i have to go eat, so i will talk to you all later.  feel free to pass the blog along, and until until next, goodbye and farewell.... oh and if you are ever in ecuador, visit latacunga, you cant walk 10 steps in that town without finding an ice cream shop... in my 16 years of life i have not seen a third of the number of ice cream shops that i saw in 15 minutes, it was pretty astounding 

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