Thursday, September 30, 2010

The day the president died...well almost

So today was a very interesting day indeed. it started out very normally, just like every other day in ecuador... get up at 5:30 get dressed and take a bus to the hardest school ever.well let me start by saying that last night my family and i went to downtown quito, and visited a bunch of old churches, building, and the then finally the presidents house. all of this is about 20 minutes or so away from my house. so anyways... today i went to school. and did some homework, and ate some peach yogurt with cornflakes in it, and then some bread that had a flavor but idk what it was... so we did that and then it was about 11am and my ecuadorian mother came into the courtyard of the school and called me over to her. it took me a while to get what she was trying to tell me but i knew it was something about police and problems and the government... well, heres the story... so today the president of ecuador passed a bill that lowered the pay of the police force and declined bonuses to them. heres the thing... ecuador has one police force in the entire country,  the ecuadorian national police. well it might not be a good idea to lower the pay of every police officer in the country at one time, but thats beside the point. also the president is not a very popular guy to begin with. so the police everywhere totally shut down and the police in quito blocked off the downtown, shutdown traffic, and attacked the president. and what do rebellious people do when their are no police, they riot and steal things. so the president who was already injured from a surgery last week, apparently got in the way of a gas bomb that was thrown during the battle between the police and the military. when confronted he ripped off his tie and shouted, if you want to kill me, kill me. so he was taken to the hospital. a few hours a go we got to watch a major battle go down when the police and rioters bombed the hospital and raided it in an attempt to assasinate the president. they failed and the military managed to resue the president and take him back to the palace. where he stood in front of thousands of flag waving people and gave a speech on the importance of democracy. all of this went down about 20-30 or so minutes away from where we are. so yeah, that was my day. i watched the entire layout of a possible overthrow of the government of the country of ecuador. this is only a fraction of the events and things i saw today, but the rest will just ahve to go down in the story books. but we are all safe and everything is relatively under control. theres most likely no school tomorrow because well people tried to kill the president today. everything is still in pretty much chaos because this was less than a good experience. thepresident is currently being interviewed and talking and shaking his fist. so who knows what will happen in the future. but all of us are safe and sound and unharmed, but we definitely have a story to tell. on the good side, i got a 19 out of 20 on my first mathematic analysis test... you know... 

1 comment:

  1. Nathan - i just heard the stories from Ecuador on CNN this morning as i was coming to work. Seriously, are you guys okay? We are all rather concerned as you can imagine. Have you had any contact with the US Embassy?

