Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thank you Kique!

Sorry about the lack of posts lately...we have all been pretty busy, and stressed. Plus, Nathan only has internet when Freddy's neighbors are home hahaha and Lauren is having computer problems. But as all of you probably know Kique and Sierra left Sunday morning...yeah, there was a lot of tears. All of us miss him terribly, he was our comfort zone and like a dad to us all. I think when he left, it hit us how real this whole thing is. Kique, thank you so much for everything you did to get us here. Seriously, the only reason we are here is because of you. I dont know how we can ever repay you! You have done so much for us and not having you here has sucked, but we know it will be for the best...we need to grow up ;) We love you!!!
Alright, so as for what has been going on these few silent days. School has been really confusing and we have all been extremely overwhelmed. Time and organiztion really doesnt mean much here and us FCA kids arent really used to that. The first week we were all put in classes that werent what we needed, this REALLY stressed us out. Actually, Hannah has been fine this whole time, she has been in the classes she needs. As for Nathan, Lauren and I this past week we havent had classes, which has been amazing! haha. Dr.Torress and Kique needed this week to sort out what classes we needed, so the four of us have been staying in the teachers lounge and learning spanish all day. I have learned more spanish the past three days then I have in my entire life. Each day is getting better. School starting kinda stunned us all and set us back a bit, but we are starting to get back on track. We all knew this would be hard. At Jim Irwin its like we are famous. We get followed, stared at and talked to every second lol. The teachers are awesome! They are SO helpful and make us feel welcome. Dr.Torress is also amazing, but that is just a given lol. This country is an incredible place! The cuture and people are so great. Its just school and the language barrier that is presenting a challenge. But for me personally, I have grown so much already. My relationship with God is insanly strong, stronger than ever before. Also, my independence continues to grow but at the same time Nathan, Lauren, Hannah and I are SO close now...we're like siblings lol.
I miss my school and my class A LOT though. I realized I seriously have the best class in the world at home. I miss my family and bestfriends too. Its hard to vent to people who dont speak your Im in desparate need of that. But that is what God is for, so its all good :) I also realized how incredibly fourtunate I am to live in the U.S. and speak english. It was weird on September 11th here, not a single word was said about it and no one here really gets it. But overall, I am really happy. I think the stress and confusion is just something that will go away with time...I mean it has only been 2 weeks haha. God has crazy awesome plans for all four of us here and I just get wait to fulfill them! I love and miss you all and hopefully I'll be able to write again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your post. Sounds like a challenging but amazing adjustment is taking place :) Did you see Hannah's adorable pictures of you and your baby cousins?
