Friday, September 3, 2010

Ecuador cant handle my shoe size

well today i got my uniform for school... its pretty amazing, considering i love sweater vests... but it seems not too many Equadorians are 6 ft tall and have size 47.5 shoes...13 for those of you who still use the US shoe measuring scale... so that was an adventure trying to find one that fit, luckily i brought black pants and shoes because we would have had to scavange the entire country for those, haha... but anyways, i am having an amazing time, and so are kellie, hannah, and lauren, although they dont seem to want to post anything, lol... pretty much Ecuador is amazing and the people are the nicest of anywhere i have ever been. youd think i was an actual member of every family here... you cant beat that. well, thats all i have time for for now... so until next time, goodbye and farewell... oh, and if you are ever in Ecuador, dont be afriad to drink the orange juice... it is quite amazing

1 comment:

  1. Hello Nathan - hope this note posts, i have trouble with the computer, but hope to get it figured out. Glad you made it safety to the South and enjoy the food, volcanoes and small shoes :) hope you get that worked out! Chat soon, be safe.

