Saturday, September 4, 2010

Amazing, amazing, amazing!

Once again I find myself in one of the most beautiful countries I{ve ever visited.  The people here continue to amaze me, which you may have guessed by the title of this blog.  I am staying with Freddys family and Sierra and I have our own 2 bedroom apartment.  As we were moving in our things, I realized that Freddys sister and son moved out of the apartment and in with the grandparents just so we would have a place to stay while we are here!  We have spent an average of over 10 hours a day travelling and the sights have been amazing.  One of the highlights was eating the worms.  For those of you who think, hey, no big deal, I{ve eaten worms before when I was a kid, please watch the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to get a good picture of what these beasts actually look like.  Youll find them in the part of the movie where Willy Wonka is eating with the oompaloompa chief.  Anyway, I{ve gained 5 pounds since I arrived and its time to eat, so I better go.  Nathan, Kellie, Lauren and Hannah are having a blast and are truly enjoying this country and are representing FCA very well.  Nathan looks very sharp, get it, in his nice red sweater vest uniform!  I{ll be back in a week but I must say that I could easily stay here the entire 4 and a half months with the kids.... If only Katie and my other munchkins were here!  Hasta pronto!

Señor Wentz, or Kique as Im known to the natives!

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