Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Well, we are here, as you can tell by the title of this post, which would have an exclamation point, but i cant seem to find it on a spanish keyboard, how sad. Also every word i am typing has a red squiggle underneath of it because it thinks i am spelling everything wrong. but that doesnt matter because like i said, we have arrived in quito ecuador. the mountains here as so beautiful and idk how anybody navigates the streets here because they all look the same. today is tuesday and apparently that means the open street market which is so different from anything i have seem in ohio or anywhere else for that matter. basically this place can be summed up into one word, different. but different is amazing and if you want an example of that, feel free to come join us. i went to the school i will be attending for the first time today, its blue and yellow walls make me feel like a traitor to my native land, but i will adjust, because when school starts the last thing i will be thinking about is the color of the walls. the medina family is amazing too and i have eaten many interesting things so far. this morning i drank half a glass of juice before i realized it was tomatoe juice, i dont like tomatoes period unless they are in ketchup so lets just say i was pretty amazed. oh, and the tomatoes grow on tress here. a little different, but i guess that makes them taste better. lol. last night when we arrived i gave so many hugs and to people i had absolutely no idea who they were, and still some of them i dont. we then ate pizze, which was unique but i think it may have caught on in my system, well see i guess. also if you have noticed all the typos then please forgive me because i am trying my best to even space the words let alone give them capital letters or punctuation. I am about to head out to somewhere, i dont really know where but im sure it will be exciting, ah, i guess it is the beach, and who knows were else. so please if you havent started to follow us yet, go ahead and do so now, and feel free to pass the blog along. until next time... farewell and goodbye.... oh, and if you are ever in ecuador, feel free to put the brown sugar in your glass of warm milk, it is quite delicious, and no one will think a thing about it

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