Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ecuador the Beautiful... Im gonna miss you :(

well... my time here has come to an end.. sad face. i have been soooo blessed with the oppurtunity to come here and experience all that i have. i would like to first thank God for blessing me with such an oppurtunity to come and live here for almost 5 months. he is soo good. he blessed me with the means to come here, a love for the spanish language, a beautiful Ecuadorian family, and millions of wonderful ecuadorian friends who love and care about me very very much. next, i would like to thank my parents, Chuck and Debi, for allowing me to come. without you guys, i would have experienced nothing. and i would like to thank mi familia Guerrero. you guys are such a blessing in my life... you´ve all taught me so much... from spanish to cooking to life lessons that i will never forget. you have installed so much in my life that i don´t think i could ever repay you... im sure gonna miss you... but ill call-- i promise!! i will never forget just how gorgeous this place is. with its lush green mountains, its quick, clear, waters, and its face of love that reaches out to those who need it. i mean, thats there culture. for example, one day andrea and i were coming home from church in a metrobus and there were some men from Guayaquil selling chocolate... but they had put on a funny little play beforehand so that way, at the end, people would buy their candy... well it just so happened that their little play was absolutely hilarious... both andrea and i wanted to buy some chocolate from them to support them, but we had no sueltos or loose change... and the man sitting on our left heard us talking... he called the two guys over and paid for two chocolate bars... and gave one to me and one to andreaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was soooooo sweet!! sooo u see, thats how they are. not only will i miss the country and their culture... but also their FOOD!!!! que rico!!!!!!!! its super yummy!! id have to say one of my favorites is when they make their special chicken and put rice and llapingacho and salad all with it!! man is that tasty!!!!!!!! also, the homemade fruitjuice every day for lunch... blackberry, tree tomato, pineapple, grapefruit, maracuyá, and the smoothies too!!!!! let me tell you, there is nothing like a banana smoothie fresh from the blender on a monday morning haha wow. there has been so much ive done here!! i mean, ive gone to Mindo, the beach, Ota Valo, the mountains, Galápagos... and many places more!!!!! ive got to experience halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, birthdays , weddings, and new years here!!!! and its such an incredible place... i mean, like did you all know that if there were no mountains here in Ecuador, it would be a desert... like something to the effect of .. Africa??!! because the sun is so strong here!! but God made it so it would have the perfect temperature, not to hot and not to cold... just right. which is also why i like Ecuador :) although, sometimes the rain can get a trite bit annoying haha. but you get over it. well, today, our class threw us a goodbye party... it was probably one of the most sad moments i have had in my life yet. it was soooo sweet though. they got up and said stuff about us and we all cried... well i did haha. but yeah... so ecuador is truly an amazing place!! you should try to come visit it sometime... i know i wanna come back... for sure!! and i know all of you are like super excited for us to come home... but hopefully you have a taste of just how nice it really is here... love and miss u all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill see you in four days!!!
Word of Wisdom: use the time you have as it comes, don´t try to rush things in to the future, nor live stuck in the past... live for today, because yesterday´s gone and who knows if tomorrow will ever really come ;)

God bless each and every one of you!!!

con mucho amor,
Hannah Rosita Peterson Guerrero

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