Thursday, October 21, 2010

That time at the beach and the rotten pears...

Ah, Ecuadorian life. Its a life with no time, no worries, and kindness to everyone. Where you eat twelve meals a day, have three years worth of homework every night, and the president calls off 3 days of school for some reason, but i cant complain. Well, anyways, everything is going pretty well for the most part. school is still interesting and difficult, but we are making it through it. we havent had school since tuesday because the president canceled school for the week to teach some protocal to all the teachers across the land, interesting. the funny thing is when you dont have school in ecuador, the teachers give you more homework than is possible for anyone in the world to do. im still confused about that part, but i get confused a lot here. like why 95% of the intersections in this country do not have a stop sign or stoplight but rather rely on people honking as they approach them at 65 miles per hour. its none of my business i guess. so, last weekend we went to the beach with the principal and the gym coach, how interesting that was. we swam and rode on dangerous boats that dump you in the ocean and stayed at a pretty awesome beach house with an amazing view. for the most part the beach was good, there were some interesting people, and as always you get to see people at the beach who should never ever be allowed to wear swimming attire. but, oh well. kellie and lauren ate some "bad" pears, and were sick the whole way home, but they got all of us out of school on monday, so some blessings come in disguise, lol, just kidding. yesterday freddy and i went on a bike ride, that was interesting for a few reason. one, because the traffic here is crazy, two because the dog population equals the people population and the dogs here hate bikes, but that just makes it exciting right. as for the food situation we still eat 24 hours a day... oh you think thats a joke, lol... but, overall everything is going great here, and i think we are all happy and having a good time, but we are at the same time sad because we realize that our journey is half over, but all good things must come to an end. thats all i have time for today, until next time goodbye and farewell, and if you are ever in ecuador and riding horses down the cobblestone streets of an old little town, try not to get hit by cars that come unexpectedly around corners, you might fall off... oh, and try not to get hit by any falling eggs ;)   

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